Our Programs

Our Programs
The Wheatland County Food Bank has been helping people since 1990 and prepares about 800 hampers a year for needy people who live in Wheatland County.
Food Hamper Program
We all know the feeling of casual hunger, when you’d like something to eat and it’s an hour until your next meal. Food banks are there for those difficult times when there’s no food at home and it’s days or weeks until your next pay cheque.
Clients can apply for an food hamper once every 60 days, during COVID we will assess on a case by case basis every 30 days. We base our eligibility on income vs. expenses and current circumstances. Hampers are given out on Friday afternoons by appointment.
Bread Hampers
Tuesday & Wednesday mornings from 9am-10:30am we give out bread and extras. There is no application necessary.
Food Bank Pickup location: 124B Orchard Way, Strathmore, AB T1P 1R8.

Weekends And More Program
Our Weekends And More program is modelled after the Calgary Food Banks WAM program which addresses food insecurity in school aged children over the weekend.
We realize that children who rely on food programs during the week, may also be in need of nutritious food during weekends as well.
Working in conjunction with school Administrators, bags with 1-2 days of nutritious, easy to prepare food items are discreetly sent home with identified children on Friday.
Our Thank You
For years the Wheatland County Food Bank has operated solely upon the generous donations of individuals, business and service organizations without the need to solicit donations. For this we are extremely grateful.
The Wheatland County Food Bank would like to thank all the residents, businesses and local service organizations who have supported the Food Bank over the years. Without your support our programs would not be possible.