Need Food?  We’re here to help.

Bread & Extras are available.

Regular Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings

9:00-10:30 am

No appointment required




Latest News

Make A Real Difference In Someone’s Life

We all know the feeling of casual hunger, when you’d like something to eat and it’s an hour until your next meal.

The Wheatland County Food Bank is there for those difficult times when there’s no food at home and it’s days or weeks until your next pay cheque.

The Wheatland County Food Bank has been helping people since 1990 and prepares about 800 hampers a year for needy people who live in Wheatland County.

WCFB does more than just provide food hampers to families in need. The food bank works in cooperation with the Christmas Hampers program, providing school children and new mothers at risk, with the food they need.

For years the Wheatland County Food Bank has operated solely upon the generous donations of individuals, businesses and service organizations without the need to solicit donations. For this, the WCFB is extremely grateful.

lbs of food donated in 2023.

lbs of food distributed in 2023

Hampers Provided in 2023

lbs of food given to other agencies

lbs of food rescued from local Grocery Stores

How You Can Help


If your business or service organization is interested in doing a service activity or event we can help coordinate the timing of the event with other events to help maximize results and help avoid overlap or confusion.


Give the gift of your time. We have various volunteer opportunities available.

Click to view available volunteer positions


You can have a powerful impact on the lives of hungry people in Wheatland County by the simple act of giving. If you can share a few dollars, or a few of your available resources, your gift will go a long way.

Urgently Needed Items

The food bank operates on a donation basis, and we often are in high need of specific items. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Canned Meat

Canned Soup

Canned Corn



Soda Crackers

Granola Bars

Kraft Dinner

Chunky Soup

Tomato Sauce


Pancake Mix


Side Kicks/ Hamburger Helper

Canned Tomatoes

Juice 1L & Juice Boxes




Diapers & Pull-ups


*Non-perishable food, and personal item donations can be dropped off at most grocery stores, or directly at the food bank on Wednesday mornings from 9-10am.

*We accept perishable food items such as vegetables and fruits directly at the food bank on Wednesday mornings, or by appointment.

Food Bank Drop Off Location

122 Canal Gardens Strathmore, AB T1P 1Y4.

Wednesday mornings from 9:00am-11:00am, or by appointment